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A Part Of EU

"A PART OF EU 2030" project aims to involve young people  in the processes of citizen participation in order to  contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda.

These Goals have been present since the publication of the Agenda by the United Nations in 2015, however, a large part of the young population is unaware of it or does not understand the importance of the SDGs in the development of more cohesive and sustainable societies. A Part of EU 2030 project, is intended to train young people in the 17 SDGs of the 2030 Agenda

Download the "A Part of EU 2030" Handbook









Podcast_Inc Project put together three organisations which are African Media Association (MALTA), Radio Kalon (France) and Share Radio (ITALY) and it aims at giving training courses about Citizen Journalism to Local Youth and Migrants,  to supply Migrants a concrete tool in order to help them carry their own Community’s voice. We all strongly believe that Radio can allow to achieve this goal.

The training manuals  are available for download in: 











INCLUDE-CE project aims to reduce the digital divide in technological skills, readiness, and resilience of migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, ethnic minorities  for collaboration, social and labor inclusion through the philosophy of circular economic system via re-use, repairing, refurbish of second hand digital devices such as computers, mobile phones, tablets repurposed into educational devices and assets of the target group. The project is based on the fundamental idea that digital education is crucial for learning, employability purposes and inter-cultural dialogue, thereby contributing to the digital transformation of European societies.




Refugees and migrant youth against drug and substance abuse

The RadioLit is a project that aims to fight against drug and substance abuse by using media literacy, in particular radio and podcast.It targets young people from a migrant background, aged between 16 to 30.

The project is funded by the US Embassy Malta, through the Julia Taft Refugee Fund which  is a fantastic opportunity  that aims to empower refugees in their host country. 

This project is about handing over the microphone to them so they can speak about a damaging  issue that is very much present in the migrant communities :we are speaking  about drug and alcohol addiction.

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On the occasion of World Refugee Day 2021, SuccessStories-RAS ( Success Stories among Refugees and Asylum Seekers) aims to showcase four unique lives of refugees based in Malta.

During the month of June every Saturday, A video will be published on our social media accounts, as well as on the Face book page of the US Embassy Malta, which is the funding body supporting this project.

It is done in partnership with the journal L'Orizzont _ It- Torca who will publish the printed version of the the stories in Maltese.

The English version printed stories will feature on AMAM multilingual webzine.


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Success stories

Turning The Tables

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Turning the Tables (TTT) is a migrant led initiative which aims to tackle integration related matters leading to policy changes.

An important aspect of the project is that it encourages the host country and newcomers to integrate, live and work together to maximise the sense of belonging for migrants residing in Malta and to allow integration in the Maltese society.


And so with TTT, migrants are given a platform and encouraged to take a lead to discuss integration related issues.


The project  is superviced by the  Intercultural and Anti-Racism Unit - part of the Human Rights Directorate.


The program.


For the year 2020 -  2021, African Media Association Malta won the bids to act as Group Leader and Moderator in the organisation of the series of conferences that will touch five main topics:





Political Rights


AMAM will bring together relevant stakeholders, migrants communities  and the public to brainstorm each topic during a pre-conference  held prior to the main conference.

 Insights gathered  at the preconferene will then be developed during the conference where selected panelists will bring their expertise  and answer to questions during  the Q & A sessions.


  A researcher  from the legal NGO Aditus is in charge of collecting all insights gathered during the debates in order to produce 8 short publications that will be made available to the public and to relevant stakeholders, in order to be used as an advocacy tool.


TTT is being funded through the Learning-Exchanging-Integrating Project as part of the implementation of the Migrant Integration Strategy and Action Plan (Vision 2020) issued by the Government of Malta in December of 2017. This project is part-financed by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.










30th Ocotober 2020: Conference on Education

27th November 2020: Conference on Employment

24th September 2021: Conference on Documentation

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UpGrad_Me 2.0

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Four partners :


October 2020 - September 2022

Labour orientation and career counselling is important for migrant young people. Through career guidance, they can discover what are their skills and the best professional field for them. Gamification is a good way to favour this career guidance.


UpGrad_Me 2.0 is the continuation of UpGrad_Me project, which promoted self branding through a video CV using a mobile phone. The gamified experience brings innovation to the project by providing a context for understanding through experience.


Three Intellectual Outputs are planned during the project. In the context of Erasmus+ an Intellectual Output is an activity that results in tangible and meaningful outcomes such as publications or production of materials.


Intellectual Output (IO1) : research-oriented to elaborate a simplified classification of professional families and a catalogue of the most relevant skills and competences associated to them.


IO 2 : an online “Escape Room” will allow young migrants to deeper know their different skills and competences. It can be directly accessed on smart-phones.


IO 3 : a career guidance handbook composed by a compilation of good practices and innovative methodologies. It can be used as a practical guide by the professionals dealing with young migrants.

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Informant Diasporas in EurAfrica for Legal Migration


The Project IDEAL-M aims to raise awareness about the dangers of illegal migration and misinformation about the journey to Europe as well as the actual conditions when reaching the hosting countries. It will focus on Senegal as a country of origin and would assess the needs of Senegalese people when arriving in European countries.

  • Highlight the potentials for legal migration; 

  • Provide actual information for those people who might be interested in migrating, through mobilisation of diaspora communities already settled in Europe. Are additional; objectives of the project. 


As part of this information is controlled by smuggling groups, IDEAL-M aims to build upon this information by raising awareness of the actual risks of smuggling and of irregular migration and developing a counter-narrative in a wider range of media through campaigning and use of digital media and local press. 


IDEAL-M will develop in three phases: 

  • Needs assessment and evaluation of media channels for effective campaigning; 

  • Implementation phase where campaigning information will be designed and executed with tailor-made messages per target groups and utilise CSOs in Senegal as a supporting mechanism for dissemination and finally;

  • Creation of  a wider network for possible collaboration that will touch upon policy levels and sustain campaigning dissemination.


The project is Funded by the European Union under the call Asylum Migration  and Integration Fund (AMIF).




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The Real Picture is a project by 9 partners from France, Italy, Slovenia, Greece, Nigeria and Malta under the leadership of VisMedNet Association of Malta.

It is a Strategic Partnership for Youth funded under the Erasmus+ programme that engages young people in social media strategies for public education on the subject of migration and it builds on the success of another project that started up the MARSAproject campaign. 

The Real Picture will take up the campaign, widen its scope and work to help diminish the damage of misinformation and perception that migration is a decision taken lightly and not one that, in most cases, is made out of fear, poverty and persecution.

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The Project: Summary

Migrant youths are at risk of low employability potential due to local prejudice, linguistic barriers, cultural differences and lack of recognition of their skills/ experience/ qualifications from back home.


Our project,  UpGrad_Me tried to reverse these trends by creating resources for youth workers to help migrant youths utilise social media for personal branding:

presenting themselves in a professional manner to potential employers, creating videos of them describing their competences (to add to their CVs) using Google Tools present on their smart phones (Google Docs, etc) which can help them enhance their employability.


Google Docs and Drive can help them keep their CV updated, rather than depending on others to draft one for them. Including a URL to a YouTube video of themselves, migrant youths can help overcome potential stigmas and stereotypes before having an interview, by being able to present themselves and their linguistic skills through video. Youth Workers need to be equipped to promote migrant youths' employability since this is one of the ways to promote their overall social inclusion and integration in society. 


September 2018 - February 2020.






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